Legal information

1.1 OMNIA MEDICAL SLU – B19321991
C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara.
609 173 605 –
Mercantile Registry of Guadalajara in Volume 622, folio 105 and sheet number GU-10491 Inscription 1.


 I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice.

Before sending, we invite you to inform yourself about the treatment we make of your data:

Responsible for treatment: OMNIA MEDICAL SLU
Purpose: the management of the requests received.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
Recipients: There are no transfers to third parties.
Additional information and rights: You can obtain additional information about the processing of your data and how to exercise your rights or file a claim with the Spanish Control Authority in the manner described in our Privacy Policy.


 I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice.
 I accept the sending of commercial marketing communications.

Before sending, we invite you to inform yourself about the treatment we make of your data:

Responsible for treatment: OMNIA MEDICAL SLU
Purpose: Registration in the online store and tracking of orders, as well as the sending of commercial marketing communications, provided that you express your consent.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
Recipients: There are no transfers to third parties.
Additional information and rights: You can obtain additional information about the processing of your data and how to exercise your rights or file a claim with the Spanish Control Authority in the manner described in our Privacy Policy.


Who is the person in charge of processing your data?

CIF: B19321991
Address: C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara.
Telephone: 609 173 605

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

At OMNIA MEDICAL SLU we process the following information and for the purposes:
- CONTACT: management of the requests received.
- REGISTRATION: Registration in the online store and tracking of orders, as well as the sending of commercial marketing communications, provided that you express your consent.

How long will we keep your data?

- CONTACT: until the attention of the request.
- REGISTRATION: until cancellation request.

If you use our WhatsApp chat, the information will be treated for the same purposes.

What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?

- CONTACT: the consent of the interested party.
- REGISTRATION: the consent of the interested party.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Data will not be communicated, except legal obligation.

Those providers who provide us with a service as treatment managers and with whom we have signed the corresponding contracts may have access to your data.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not OMNIA MEDICAL SLU is processing personal data that concerns them.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected. .

In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data.

OMNIA MEDICAL SLU will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

The interested party has the right to file a claim with the Control Authority ( if they consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact information to exercise your rights: in writing to OMNIA MEDICAL SLU, C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara or via email to, together with valid proof in law, as a photocopy of the DNI and indicating in the subject "DATA PROTECTION".

How have we obtained your data?

The personal data that we process at OMNIA MEDICAL SLU have been provided by the interested party or by the companies for which the interested party works.

The interested party who sends the information to OMNIA MEDICAL SLU guarantees and is responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertakes to keep them duly updated, exonerating the COMPANY from any responsibility in this regard. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information on the registration forms.

Likewise, OMNIA MEDICAL SLU is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and for which another source is indicated, for which reason it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of said information. .

Common use with social networks
If the affected person chooses to access the Services through their account in social networks (that is, Facebook) or clicks on one of the connection buttons or links of social networks (for example, the "Like" button of Facebook) that are available on the Services, your content and your personal information will be shared with the corresponding social networks.

The affected party is aware of, and accepts, that the use of their personal information, including the information that they share with social networks through the Services, by social networks, is governed by their respective privacy policies. If you do not want social networks to collect your information, please review the privacy policy of the corresponding social network and/or disconnect from it before using our Services.

Children under 14 years of age will not be able to register.

Changes in the Privacy Policy
OMNIA MEDICAL SLU reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence. In such cases, OMNIA MEDICAL SLU will announce the changes introduced on this page reasonably in advance of their implementation.

LEGAL WARNING is an Internet domain owned by OMNIA MEDICAL SLU, with CIF B19321991, with address at C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Guadalajara in Volume 622, folio 105 and page number GU-10491 Inscription 1.

In general, the relations between the COMPANY and the Users of the services present on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

Use and user access
The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with the COMPANY.

The user agrees to use the website in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice and the requirements of good faith, employing the appropriate diligence to the nature of the service he enjoys, without incurring in activities that may be considered illegal or illegal, that infringe the rights of the COMPANY or third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the service or prevent its normal use. Specifically and merely by way of example, the user must refrain from: * Carrying out any conduct that implies the violation of the rights of third parties (right to privacy and to one's own image, intellectual and industrial property rights, etc.). * Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents of the page except in those cases authorized by law or expressly consented by the COMPANY or by the third party that, where appropriate, holds the rights of exploitation on them. * Reproduce or copy for private use the contents that deserve to be considered software or Databases in accordance with current legislation, as well as publicly communicate them or make them available to third parties. * Use the contents of the website for any type of advertising or promotional activity and, in particular, for sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication. * Introduce computer viruses, defective files, or any other software or computer program that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the content or systems accessible through the website. * Destroy, alter, disable or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of the COMPANY or third parties.

Intellectual and Industrial Property
The information that appears on this website is current on the date of its last update. The COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally update, modify or delete said information without prior notice. All the contents that are shown on the page (texts, graphics, photographs, logos, designs, source codes, audiovisual or sound content, etc.) are subject to intellectual and/or industrial property rights owned by the COMPANY or third parties who have authorized their inclusion on the page. Any exploitation of all or part of the content of the page, carried out in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. The infringement of these rights may lead to the initiation of judicial, civil or criminal proceedings. No link to this website may be established without the prior and express consent of the COMPANY.

company responsibility
The COMPANY will not be responsible for possible damages or losses that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, due to causes beyond the control of the company, delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system or in other electronic systems. The COMPANY does not guarantee the veracity nor is it responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content provided by third parties that may appear on this website.

The COMPANY does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages that can be accessed through "links" or links from any web page owned by the COMPANY. The presence of "links" or links on the web pages of the COMPANY is for informational purposes only and in no case does it imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them. Therefore, both this Notice and the Privacy Policy are only applicable to the COMPANY's website and are not guaranteed for access through links to this site, or links from this site to other websites.

Applicable legislation
This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish law.


A 'cookie' is a small piece of text that websites send to the browser and that are stored in the user's terminal, which can be a personal computer, a mobile phone, a tablet, etc. These files allow the website to remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and options, which can make your next visit easier and the site more useful by customizing its content. The 'cookies' play a very important role, by improving the experience of using the web.
When you accept the installation of 'cookies' on your device, they allow us to know the following information:
 Statistical information on the use of the website.
 The user's 'login' to keep the session active on the web.
 The preferred web format for access from mobile devices.
 The last searches carried out in the web services and personalization data of these services.
 Information about the advertisements that are shown to the user.
 Information from the surveys in which the user has participated.
 Connection data with social networks for users who access with their Facebook or Twitter username.

Cookies can be classified into various categories based on their characteristics, and may be included in one or more of them.

- Origin. They can be owned or owned by third parties depending on the entity that manages it.
- Duration. They can be session that expire when the browser is closed and that will be used mainly to keep a user's session active or persistent that expire when they fulfill the purpose for which they were designed or when they are manually deleted.
- Purpose. They may be:
a) technical or necessary to provide certain services expressly requested by the user. If these cookies are disabled, you will not be able to correctly receive our content and services;
b) functional both "personalization" to offer personalized services based on pre-established criteria, such as "analytics", those that are well treated by us or by third parties (fundamentally through Google Analitycs) allow tracking the browsing behavior of users with a statistical nature and for the elaboration of navigation profiles, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data on the offer of products and/or services. If the user does not accept the use of functional cookies, this website will continue to function, although it may lose part of its functionality;
c) advertising to display advertising based on predetermined user profiles, "behavioral advertising" similar to the previous one, but taking into account the user's behavior and browsing habits, etc. In general, they are the cookies that allow personalized advertising to be shown to the user, both inside and outside our website throughout their navigation.

The non-excepted cookies used on our web pages are the following:

Type of Cookie Origin Name Duration Function
Other _sp_id.e1ec 2 years No description
Other _sp_ses.e1ec 30 minutes No description
Performance dm_timezone_offset 15 days 5 hours This is an analytical cookie used to improve the site and the service.
This cookie is used to determine when the visitor last entered the different subpages.
Performance dm_last_page_view 1 year This is an analytical cookie used to improve the site and the service. This cookie is used to identify the frequency of the user's visit and to determine how long a visitor stayed on the website.
Performance dm_this_page_view 1 year This is an analytical cookie used to improve the site and the service. This cookie is used to determine when the visitor last entered the different subpages.
Performance dm_last_visit 1 year This is an analytical cookie used to improve the site and the service. This cookie is used to identify the frequency of the user's visit and to determine how long a visitor stayed on the website.
Performance dm_total_visits 1 year This is an analytical cookie used to improve the site and the service. This cookie is used to determine the frequency of the visit and to know how long the visit lasts.

The user has the option to allow, block or delete the 'cookies' installed on his computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on his terminal:

- Chrome, from
- Explorer, from
- Firefox, from cookies
- Safari, from
By clicking ACCEPT, you consent to the use of cookies by the website and, therefore, their installation on your computer or device. However, if you want, you can change the cookie settings on the home screen and, at any time, by configuring your browser to accept, or not, the cookies you receive or for the browser to notify you when a server wants to save a cookie. cookies.

We inform you that in the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services will not be available without the use of cookies or that you will not be able to access certain services or take full advantage of everything that our websites and applications offer you. offer. In addition to the use of our own cookies, we allow third parties to set cookies and access them on your computer. Consent to the use of cookies by these companies is linked to browsing this site.

We appreciate that you consent to the acceptance of cookies, this helps us to obtain more precise data that allows us to improve the content

In the event that this website provides any type of special service in which it determines specific provisions different from these in relation to the protection of personal data and the use of cookies, the particular rules indicated for that particular service will prevail over those presents.

It is possible that we update the Cookies Policy of our Website, therefore we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our Website in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies. The Cookies Policy was last updated on JUNE 1, 2021.

The terms and conditions indicated below regulate the use of the online store of the website [WEB PAGE], (hereinafter, the "Website") for which OMNIA MEDICAL SLU (hereinafter, the COMPANY) is responsible. .
It is mandatory that you read and understand these general conditions and the information and specific conditions of the product that you want to contract or acquire before proceeding with your purchase. You must expressly accept them by "clicking" on the box "I have read and accept the general conditions" that appears throughout the purchase process.

You must follow the following process:
1. Select the products you wish to purchase from among those offered by the COMPANY on its website.
2. Once you have selected the product(s) you wish to buy, you must press the "Buy Now" button, and the product will be added to your shopping cart. If you wish, you can continue adding more products to your shopping cart.
3. Once the selection of products is finished, a summary will appear identifying the selected item/s and the "Payment" button will appear. Prior to payment, to continue with your order you must fill in your email address, accept terms and conditions, and, if you wish, the sending of communications about news and exclusive offers.
4. Finally, you must choose the payment system for your order among those offered by the COMPANY on its website.
5. Later, you will choose the shipping method.
6. Once the order process is finished, the COMPANY will send you an email detailing the details of your order. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, please contact us. If you see any errors in the data entered in your order, you can correct them through the following means:
Calling 609 173 605
Notifying it in the "Contact" section
Writing to:

The revision of the prices due to changes in the rates and/or fluctuations in the exchange rate will be allowed. The variation in prices, at no time, will affect a purchase that has already been completed.
The prices will include the Value Added Tax (VAT), or the Tax on Production, Services and Imports (IPSI) that, where appropriate, may correspond and be applicable on the date of the Order in accordance with current regulations. . Any modification of the applicable type will automatically affect the price of the products that OMNIA MEDICAL sells on the Website.
1. General provisions

The products requested by the Buyer in accordance with the provisions of these GCS may be delivered or picked up, at the Buyer's choice, as follows:
At the address that the Buyer had indicated as the delivery address for the corresponding Order (hereinafter, "Delivery address"). OMNIA MEDICAL only makes deliveries in Spain. Shipments are not made to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Andalusia and Catalonia. In this case, the Buyer or the recipient of the Order will receive the products through the transport company chosen by OMNIA MEDICAL, having to sign an electronic acknowledgment of receipt. The aforementioned electronic acknowledgment of receipt will serve as proof of delivery of the Order by OMNIA MEDICAL.
If the Buyer of the Order is absent at the address provided at the time of delivery of the same, the transport company will try to deliver the package again the next business day, after duly informing the recipient of the incident by SMS, email and/or or an arrival notice in the mailbox.
In the event that the recipient is absent a second time at the address provided during the purchase process, the buyer or the recipient of the Order will receive an arrival notice, an email and/or an SMS, informing them that their Order will be available for to pick it up during the following fifteen (15) days at the headquarters of the corresponding transport company.
If within fifteen (15) days after the second unsuccessful delivery attempt, the package will be returned to OMNIA MEDICAL and the money reimbursed to the Buyer, by any means of payment, as chosen by OMNIA MEDICAL, return costs previously deducted.
Any claim related to delivery will not be accepted when the package appears as delivered, for which purpose the carrier's computer system (identification) will be reliable.
1.1 Shipping cost of the Order
The Orders will have no cost if they are greater than forty-five (€50.00) euros, in the case of orders less than that amount, the shipping cost will be that determined at the time of the purchase summary.
2 Anomalies, damage or deteriorated packages
2.1 General provisions
The Buyer, or the recipient of the Order, is recommended to check the external condition of the package and the products at the time of delivery.
In the event of an anomaly related to the package (damaged package, open package, liquid residue, etc.) or related to the requested product(s) (missing product(s), damaged product(s)), the The Buyer must imperatively follow the corresponding procedure, among those described below (in articles 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 of these General Conditions of Sale), to the status of the Order. Failure to follow the proper procedure will exclude the possibility of recourse against the carrier and against OMNIA MEDICAL. Specifically, the Buyer may not demand any refund. The Buyer, or the recipient of the Order, may not require OMNIA MEDICAL to replace the requested products.
Likewise, the Buyer or the recipient of the Order will have the possibility of calling the OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service to find out the procedures for returning the damaged product(s). In this case, the Buyer will be obliged to follow the procedure for the return of damaged products indicated by the OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service. Otherwise, the Buyer will not be able to demand a refund or replacement of the affected products.
2.2 Mandatory procedures in case of damaged package
In the event of an incident verified in the presence of the transport company:
– Reject the delivery and clearly and in detail reveal the incident.
– Indicate the reason for refusing the delivery to the OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service.
In case of incidents verified without the presence of the transport company:
– Communicate the anomaly to the OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service through the following means:
Telephone: 609173605
The notification of incidents and the formulation of claims must be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within two (2) business days from the delivery of the product.
2.3 Mandatory procedures in case of missing or damaged product
The Buyer must notify the absence or degradation of the product to OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service through the means specified in the previous section. The OMNIA MEDICAL Customer Service Department may request any data related to the identity of the Buyer or recipient of the Order and proceed to as many verifications as may be necessary for the case.
3 delivery times
The delivery times begin to count from the sending of the Order confirmation email, except for payments by bank transfer, which would begin to count from the receipt of the transfer by OMNIA MEDICAL and will be those that are communicated to the buyer before to make and confirm the purchase.
In the event that delivery times are exceeded for any reason other than force majeure, the Buyer will have the possibility of canceling his Order.
The COMPANY has different means of payment:

- Bank transfer, Payment by bank transfer is a simple payment method for making purchases over the Internet. You can make this payment comfortably from your bank.
When you decide on this payment option and once your order has been completed, the necessary data to make the bank transfer will appear on the screen. In addition, we will send you an email with these data. Transfers usually take approximately 48 hours to become effective.
Once the payment is confirmed, the billing, packing and shipping of the package will proceed.
If you want to speed up this process, you can send us an email to

- Credit card. Payment by credit card used in The COMPANY is made through the Caixa secure payment gateway.

Through this payment method, the COMPANY never collects or manipulates any customer data related to their card number. All data is processed directly by the Santander Central Hispano bank, so that THE COMPANY can always offer the greatest transparency and confidentiality in the transaction. The payment of your order is made directly with the bank, thus offering you maximum security.
The cards currently supported by the payment gateway are all those that bear the Visa and Mastercard logo.

If you have any questions about this, you can:
Call 609 173 605
Notify it in the "Contact" section
Writing to:
In order to guarantee the security of payments made by bank card, the Buyer must communicate to OMNIA MEDICAL the visual cryptogram (CVV) that appears on the back of the bank card used by the Buyer.
Within the framework of the fight against Internet fraud, the data related to the Buyer's Order may be communicated to third parties authorized by law or designated by OMNIA MEDICAL, for the sole purpose of verifying the identity of the Buyer, as well as the validity of the Order. , the means of payment used and the expected delivery.
Once this control has been completed, OMNIA MEDICAL reserves the right to require a photocopy of the Buyer's identity document and/or any other data relating to the Buyer's identity. The Buyer has rights conferred by the personal data protection regulations as provided in the Privacy Policy of the U-shop.
OMNIA MEDICAL uses a secure payment tool called “ADYEN”. The security of the payment rests on the Buyer's authentication and on the confidentiality of all the data. To guarantee this security, the tool uses proven cryptographic techniques and meets the requirements established in the different banking regulations applicable in Spain.
Possible cases of return or withdrawal:
a) The product has a defect or has been damaged during transport:
These products must be returned by the buyer in such a way that they are protected, including them inside a protective box or bag. The COMPANY will bear all shipping costs for the delivery and return of the product.
The COMPANY makes our transport company available to the buyer for the removal of the merchandise, completely free of charge. If the buyer wishes to return the merchandise with a transport company other than the one proposed by THE COMPANY and the transport company selected by the buyer offers higher rates, the buyer will assume the difference in transport cost.
When the product has been damaged during transport, it is essential that you notify us by telephone the same day you receive the merchandise and that you write down the incident on the carrier's delivery note.
Before opening any product, check that the packaging matches the one you requested: (model, color, size, finish, etc...), making an immediate claim, in case there is any anomaly. If you detect any anomaly before opening the product, please do not open the seal or its packaging.
b) Withdrawal:
In accordance with the provisions of Spanish law, the customer has the Right of Withdrawal, by virtue of which he may return the product received if he finds that it does not meet his expectations.
The exercise of this right of withdrawal must be carried out within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from receipt. In order to exercise this right, the product must be in perfect condition and keep all the parts.
The refund of the amount of the purchase will be made once the condition of the merchandise has been verified, through the same means of payment used by the buyer and, in any case, within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the reliable receipt of the withdrawal request, as long as it is the COMPANY who manages the collection of the item. In the event that the buyer returns the item through a transport company of his choice, the period of 14 days will begin to compute from the time the COMPANY has effective knowledge of the shipment of the merchandise or, failing that, from the receipt of the Article.
The return costs derived from the exercise of the right of withdrawal will be borne by the buyer.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify OMNIA MEDICAL SLU, C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara, telephone 609 173 605 and email address of your decision. to withdraw from the purchase made, through an unequivocal statement, by letter sent by post, by fax or by email. You can use the model withdrawal form below, although its use is not mandatory.

According to the provisions of article 45 of Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, the exercise of the right of withdrawal on products with an expiration date of less than one month will not be accepted.
In the event that the products do not arrive in perfect condition, the COMPANY reserves the right to pay a lower amount for your order.

a) Order without receiving:

If you have not yet received the order and you wish to cancel or modify it, you only have to inform us of the changes you want to make, without this incurring any cost to you in the event that your order has not yet been processed.
For any questions about returns you can:
Call 609 173 605
Notify it in the "Contact" section
Writing to:

All product returns together with their original protected packaging should be addressed to the following address:

OMNIA MEDICAL SLU, C/ Aranjuez, 1058, El Casar de Talamanca, Urb. El Coto, 19170, Guadalajara.

1. Legal guarantees
All the products for sale on the Website are covered by the legal guarantee in accordance with the applicable regulations and by the guarantee against hidden defects, which allows the Buyer to return defective or non-conforming products that were delivered free of charge. .
1.1 Legal guarantee of conformity
In accordance with the applicable regulations, OMNIA MEDICAL is obliged to deliver products that are in accordance with the contract, responding to any lack of conformity that exists at the time of product delivery. It will also be responsible for the defects of conformity that result from the packaging, from the assembly or installation instructions, when it is carried out on its own by virtue of the contract or has been carried out under its responsibility.
To be compliant with the contract, the product must:
– Be suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are ordinarily destined;
– Conform to the description made by the seller and possess the qualities of the product that the seller has presented through the Website;
– Present the quality that the Buyer can reasonably expect, taking into account the public statements made by OMNIA MEDICAL, in particular in advertising or labeling. Likewise, OMNIA MEDICAL will not be bound by these declarations if it proves that it was unaware and could not reasonably be expected to have known the declaration in question, that said declaration had been corrected at the time of conclusion of the contract or that said declaration could not influence the decision of buy the product.
– Present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any specific use intended by the buyer, made known to the seller and that the latter has accepted.
The action resulting from defects in conformity prescribes within a period of one (1) year from the delivery of the good.
1.2 Legal guarantee for hidden defects
In accordance with the applicable regulations, OMNIA MEDICAL will be obliged to guarantee hidden defects in the product sold, if they make it unsuitable for the use for which it is intended, or if they diminish this use in such a way that, if they had been known the Buyer would not have acquired it or would have given a lower price for it.
The action resulting from hidden defects must be brought by the buyer within three (3) months after the discovery of the hidden defect.
In the context of the legal guarantee for hidden defects, OMNIA MEDICAL undertakes, after evaluating the hidden defect, at the Buyer's option:
– To refund the full price of the returned product or;
– To reimburse a part of the price of the product when the Buyer chooses to keep the product.
1. Exclusion of guarantees
Products modified, repaired, integrated or added by the Buyer are excluded from the guarantee. The guarantee does not apply to products that have suffered damage during transport or as a result of misuse.
2 Methods of execution of legal guarantees
When it comes to the legal guarantee of conformity, the Buyer:
– You have a period of two years, counting from the delivery of the asset, to exercise the action;
– You can choose between the repair or replacement of the property, without prejudice to the conditions on expenses established in the applicable regulations;
– You are exempt from presenting proof of the existence of the lack of conformity of the good during the six (6) months following the delivery of the good.
– Keep the purchase invoice and/or the order delivery note.
The legal guarantee of conformity applies independently of any other commercial guarantee granted.
For any claim related to legal guarantees, the Buyer must contact Customer Service through the means specified in these GCS.
These provisions do not exclude the right of withdrawal.
grades or added by Buyer. The guarantee does not apply to products that have suffered damage during transport or as a result of misuse.
3 Consequences of the execution of guarantees
Within the framework of the legal guarantee of conformity, OMNIA MEDICAL undertakes, at the Buyer's option:
– To replace the product with an identical one based on available stocks, or
– To reimburse the price of the product when its replacement is impossible.
In the context of the legal guarantee for hidden defects, OMNIA MEDICAL undertakes after evaluating the hidden defect, at the Buyer's choice:
– To refund the full price of the returned product, or
– To reimburse a part of the price of the product when the Buyer chooses to keep the product
The personal data collected in the online purchase process will be treated in accordance with the provisions of our PRIVACY POLICY.
For conflicts of interpretation and execution derived from this sale, current Spanish legislation will apply. The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile. In turn, the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link:

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